The Pyramid is a Biocomputer. It is not in operation without the top. Why the Pyramids don't have their top? The pyramidal construction unifies all histories and ages. From – to. The base - foundation of the Pyramid(s) is an encoded Knowledge. Without the top, the Knowledge stays closed. Basic knowledge is the knowledge about the functioning programme of the Universe. That is the way of building the One. Building the Human. Building the Humanoid. The Humanoids have built all of the Pyramids on Earth and many they have closed and released in Multidimensionality. The mirrored pyramidal construction shows the coming into existence (the lower top) of the Universe. With vertical rectlinear line the Highly Conscious civilization is being built (bottom Pyramid sheet). Sheet – the basis of the upper Pyramid is a picture of the total fall of the civilization – awryness, deviation, gravitation. The One is being built with the vertical towards. That is the way towards the Universe, the way into the top. The return into the Point of origination. The point of origination is also the point of vanishing. The mirror of the Pyramid is connected by the main axis – force line travelling always towards up. The Vertical is a Force that perennially strives for the ascent path. Every state of Consciousness in the system is of foundation – pyramidal vertical. That vertical is a gateway from the North to the South pole of the planet Earth. Top and bottom – north and south are connected with a ring that forms the proper spheral shape of the planet. The entry gateway of the Earth is from ice – a solid crystal structure. The top of the Pyramid is the entrance into the Pyramid. The top is from Monatomic gold – a solid crystal structure.
The ice melts at an unseen speed, and there are no tops. The Earth is being suffocated and separated from the Field. She is not round. Humanity is not in it's most darkest of times, humanity is in it's most dangerous time. We are not in the dark. The Light comes out of the dark. We are totally blinded by the fake crystal-less light of the third dimension.
The solution is the return to Knowledge. The Knowledge is in the Pyramid. The Knowledge is in all structures of water. The Knowledge is in the Dolphin. Sphere – the Earth is in Spherein. Spherein is the pyramidal vertical. Spherein now knows.