Even if you should find the ruins, they mean nothing. You do not understand the Architecture, the purpose even less. The deluge of Atlantis, although physical and real, is a metaphorical display of the fall of the dimension, the end of life, the enslaving of consciousness of the unconscious. The metaphor is given because the truth is much deeper and as many times heavier and worse. The fall of the dimension has demolished the Moment Now – eternity. The cataclysmic consequence is also eternal – the eternal oblivion but a remembered event because it is written in the body. Although this is also coming to an end – the total installation, total oblivion. Total oblivion is the total absence from Self, from the Source. A universe within the Universe that is against the Universe and everything that the Universe represents – freedom, creation, life, body.
About science
Atlantis is the Source point, the starting point where science becomes Science established in Knowledge which has arisen from Consciousness. Atlantis levitated in Quantum, the weightless state, and as such was her Technology and architecture and everything else – Quantum. It’s a known fact that the gravitational force has been extracted as a „golden middle” of measurements in controlled conditions because nor is it a constant, nor it is present everywhere with equal intensity, not even close. The extracted constant from „the golden middle” and various calculations and measurements, if they even were in a sufficient amount to introduce something as such as a kind of law, nor it is golden or established in the middle – in the Center.
Atlantis based Science, and therefore everything else, in the Center which is the Source and everything has arisen from the Quantum field. The weightless state is not a state without mass but it is without weight which is a force, but not a natural one. Gravity supports weight and vice versa. Quantum is antigravity which is the State of Consciousness and that’s without weight and aspirations. Weight strikes from all directions towards down. Antigravity goes from all directions into all directions and thus there are no boundaries and limitations. All directions are the One direction which goes from all directions into all directions. The Universe is UNI–verse.