„I have crashed everything and closed your hearts. For betrayal there is no heart. Your fate is tailored by others. You have chosen misery. Your pain I carry instead of you, because to feel you are not capable anymore. With the Heart, I'm closing the Pyramids as well. I'm erasing the cypher and hiding it. Somewhere where you will not be able for a long time. They are wrapped in the weeds of bare stone to remind of the curse thrown a long time ago. Each Pyarmid is erased. These are a lie which you see with your blurred eyes. Without the Heart there are no Pyramids. KNOWLEDGE OF THE HEART BUILDS THE PYRAMIDS. Without Me there is no Pyramid. “   

Today, the Pyramids are bare stone. The Pharaoh is the Constructor. The Pharaoh is the Pyramid. Pure Crystal.    

„I will be returning as a constructor – destroyer. Until you recognize Me. Until you respect the Truth which I bring/carry. Until you hear the calling song of the Only One. I will build Pyramids because the Pyramid  I am. Pure Crystal, sharp and dear. Will you see them, it is upon you. The path is given to you. And only when I return will you cognize the truth of the Pyramid. Its essence and point. You will perceive the heaviness of the dead structure which, because of you, on my head I carry. When it spins, I am waking up. When it comes out from the Heart, I am alive.“                                                             
