Scarab is a multidimensional and multifunctional vehicle/vessel.
Scarab is a Spacecraft.
It consists out of multiple levels and sections provided for the transport of vehicles, technology, armament, people, …
Scarab is entirely made as an OMANU aircraft which also serves for the transport of OMANU aircrafts.

Scarab has 3 levels and 4 sections.
1st level (lowest) – Armament and technology
2nd level (middle) – vehicles
3rd level (highest) – OMANU aircrafts and people (pilots) 

The Scarab is a Werkraft MetaMilitary Weapon. The Scarab. The Body and the Machine that through the Trigonometric depiction becomes alive and works in all directions simultaneously as the OMANU. Everywhere and All opens the Scarab through the vortex of motion which is non-stop. It’s the Body of Hagal. The Machine works and it’s visible as an armored vehicle that moves in all directions and at every part of the vehicle is “the head and the tail” because the impeller is Consciousness. The Supersensor that drives and maneuvers the vehicle and the being Scarab is Consciousness.   

The depiction of work of the Scarab 

The Scarab – the rotating developmental spatial and temporal body which is the Scarab itself and acts in the rotation of the moment.