Decades of studying the Vedas, Mahabharata, Vimanika Shastra, Buddhism, searching on Tibet – all of that is compressed into a single moment in the Method One Training Procedure – the moment of installation of the Swastika in the Body. That’s how life begins. Studying and searching for something what cannot be found is how life is being spent. To study all of that Knowledge one lifetime is not enough, especially not this shorten one such as it’s for the last thousands of years. The proof to this is that no one to this day has understood nor began to live the Vedas nor any other knowledge and practices. Some individual would do something unusual for the rest of the civilization and that would be proclaimed a success, he would be the master, teacher, guru, followers would appear, but not students. Even if someone could study all this Knowledge, he wouldn’t be left with enough time to put it into practice, to prove them and surely not to transfer them to someone. All has been perfectly arranged in this world so that no one will come to Knowledge. The Creator himself, Krishna, God, … (how some prefer), has send the solution in this darkest age – he embodied himself as the Mediator and brought Method One to the world – Knowledge that proves itself and practice that begins immediately.
The darkest age is today and it now lasts for thousands of years. The main characteristic, at the same time the fundamental cause of every Kali Yuga is oblivion and separation from the Creator. Ego reigns in that age, an emperor without Knowledge and without the Source, a self-proclaimed emperor who excludes the existence of the Creator, with his entire self he tries to negate and discredit him while simultaneously he lives in deathful fear from him. That’s how the long, dark era Kali Yuga comes to existence which with every moment becomes even darker and harder because there is no Source, therefore there is no Energy, there is no Knowledge and everything that has been given at the very beginning is slowly being sucked out. This Yuga will last until the Creator himself doesn’t abolish it. That little ego can think, wait and expect that he will devise the very end of the terror, but he will not. He never did because he cannot overmaster the Force.
The most mysterious questions are does God/Creator exist, who is He and where He is. For the most intelligent ones, the main question is how to recognize Him. Method One is for the ones most intelligent. The ones who stay here are the ones who aspire for true religion, True Knowledge and Science. Therefore, all of the ones who understand that they do not know and do not understand anything, the ones that are ready to capitulate before the Force, surrender themselves to the Force and allow to be introduced into the Center of all Centers, are the most intelligent minority ready for the encounter with the Mediator.
Each letter of Vedas is the direct dictate of Krishna / Heart / Creator to the one who was writing and/or spoke. It was the transfer of Knowledge that, before all, refers primarily to Krishna Himself, and then to practices and application of Knowledge. By no means different. To this day everyone is engaged with studying Knowledge, they conduct practices and written rules, but they do not hear Krishna. This leads them into deviation and into even worse karma than if they were to do nothing.
Technology was described in Vimanika Shastra that was adequate, i.e. most functional for that age, i.e. for the creation of the New age. OMMIISS, i.e. OMANU is the Technology for the today’s age, i.e. for the exit into the New age. If we were to compare the age when the Vedas were written and today, OMMIISS is today what the Vedas were then. In both cases, the voice of Krishna. The application of technology described in Vimanika Shastra is described in Mahabharata. That technology is represented as a supernatural powerful weapon, i.e. as the force of Krishna himself, as the force of the Swastika. That same force, that exact Technology is today being installed into the human body in the Method One Procedure. That force is the evidence of the human’s godlike origin. This means that the human was originally created completely enabled and identical to God / Creator. All the rest, all other forms of existence are a repercussion of lies and manipulations which had been, described in Bhagavad Gita, once destroyed by Krishna himself at the Field of Kurukshetra. Kurukshetra is each body which is not under direct navigation of Krishna himself. The universal truth had been described in Bhagavad Gita which is still valid today. OMMIISS creates an “army” that fights on Krishna’s side, according to the truth, all the rest will be destroyed anyway.