Biocommunication and influence on the body 

The brain produces neurotransmitters, chemical substances, hormones which it releases into the blood. Through the blood, they are transmitted as an information throughout the entire body. This is not a novelty nor is the fact that the information through nerve cells is also transferred witht the help of bioelectricity. Despite these facts, the brain is not the source of E – bioelectricity. There are main lines where, obviously, losses are being generated. For this reason, the same amount of E is not returned from the body into the brain. The entire body is a circulatory system (the lymphatic system is redirected, through it they enter into the system – implantation). In a such described system there is a set barrier and that is the set amount of E which is consumed over time. Kidneys are the batteries. Kidneys should not be the power source but just a standby container. The power source is the Center Heart. For this reason, 70% of the original neuroenergy structure of the human body is atrophied. Exactly this atrophy is the aforementioned short circuit. The natural biomechanics has been presented to us as mysticism. Perpetuum mobile in the Heart is the end of mysticism. And exactly from him follows the detailed description of perfect biomechanics and bioelectronics. Tesla's theory on free E for all was not just a solution for the expensiveness of life. Due to loss of E there is not enough hormone production. Lack of hormones weakens the work of glands, especially the work of the gonadal and the adrenal gland. This is the mechanism of feedback in the mechanism. With the full capacity of these glands, the organism itself would be able to produce a sufficient amount of E. Meaning, kinetic and potential E originates from the Zero Point and, when these glands would work in full capacity, the kinetic and potential E would return towards the Heart, into the Zero Point, i.e. that infinite eight within the body would exist and it would connect with the Universe. Exactly these glands produce sexual E. This occured due to the biocommunication cessation, i.e. due to the atrophy of the Heart's neuroenergy network – Third eye. From this follows – strenghtening and opening the Heart reanimates and opens the neuroenergy network towards the Third eye. From the Third eye the glands are being stimulated to the full production of hormones. The concentration of hormones and the necessary chemical substances in the blood are being increased. Such purified and enriched blood stimulates the mentioned glands which, with the production of E, fill the sacral bone, spinal column and brain. This is how the mechanism, at the physiology level, is explained. The journey of bioelectricity through the body – in the sacral bone, there comes to transformations of sexual and some other hormones of the adrenal gland into bioelectricity. Tesla knew this and with his transmitters, which he designed, he would gradually, with their transmission, strengthen the Heart.

This is how the functioning of the body is roughly described. The entire structure is missing the crystal regularity in order for the aforementioned process to flow undisturbedly. It is pictorialized how one neuron increased a thousand times has the appearance of the universe painted with the smallest resolution. The picture of the neuron only reminds of the Universe. With the installation of the crystal structure, every part of the body, even the neuron and even deeper to the gene, looks exactly identical like the Universe. What we watch through the telescope should be our inner reality. More than 2000 years ago this knowledge was attempted to be presented to the human and hence the statement „Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven“. What can't be seen in the picures is the rotation of the very center of the neuron. Each, even the smallest part of the body is a Energy production unit. Perpetuum mobile is everywhere and it is being cooridnated from the main Center Heart. Tesla made the transfer of E of one body to the other precisely on the rotation principle and in the way that a nerve impulse is being transferred in the body.