The Mediator brings the highest technological discovery – reveals the implantation of the body as the main cause of all states and events. Mediator Method One is the first on the planet who had begun the Deimplantation Procedure of the human.
Method One enables you to view the other dimension from where your life is controlled. It is a dimension in which you see that your life is fake and why is something like this called the Matrix. Firstly, to see the way your body and mind are technologically processed and to see their interaction with the Matrix. The body contains living metal beings. Implants are alien installations inside the human. For you, this is unimaginable from your perspective. Their function is data transfer from the base that implanted it into the body. Implants are alive. The body is constructed as radionic machinery, the controlling center is the Big Brother, the central computer.
Amygdala is the body's operating system. The operative center of the body contains all schematics of individual behavior in relation to the genetic cypher. Matrix – Control panel is stored in each body. All bodies are connected into the Matrix field. The Big Brother, principle of functioning 1 – 1000000 – 1. Compression – decompression – compression. Genetic image or the Matrix code is an operative system. The mother board is a multiplier of nano-cells that construct the corporeal system. The body has been adapted to the operative system for centuries, that is the secret behind every civilizational "advancement". Every attempt of exiting it is not possible without destroying the operative system (mother board).
Process of Deimplantation is the only path for liberation inside the system and in parallel the only way for demolishing the Matrix.
Method One is Karmic Energy Medicine. Karma which you do not see has formed a gene that you "as if see", and it is woven from karmic programs through ages which are the Matrix. All moral, ethical, religious perceptions live and reign in your gene. Karma is poured in the starting point of the spine. 1st – point of creation.
Energy Medicine 4D operates the 3D program imposed from the unnatural system where people live. Energy Medicine 4D’s foundation is neuroenergetic knowledge of the Heart. The Heart is the only tool. Subatomic particles are anesthesia. The Energy field is a multidimensional operating room. Mediator Method One is currently the only surgeon. All inhabitants of planet Earth are potential patients if they wish to be. Energy Medicine 4D operates on the brain. 3D insight is transformed into the perception of metareality. Crystal brain is the final goal. Path to the Crystal body, to the Crystal, to the opened brain and mind – is the first and most important point – Heart. A completely open Heart. Runes are tools of 4D medicine.
Energy Medicine 4D is total medicine. It encompasses a triangle, it heals on a pyramidal principle and law. It heals in the service of elevating the person, humankind. Body – mind – spirit are parallel with earth – water – air, Heart tools are used to heal, element of fire that melts, that burns. Today’s medicine is based on 3D technology apparatus and a 7% – 10% open brain of people called doctors. There is no mention of knowledge about Energy.
Using Energy Medicine 4D the Mediator – surgeon integrates the Crystal, integrates Himself into the other one’s Heart. That is how metal implants are removed from the heart – Deimplantation. Knowledge of the Heart is the only knowledge that irreversibly heals all illnesses – from most benign to most malignant. Regardless of the disease in question, after healing with 4D medicine technology individual’s complete biofield takes a new structure. Law of Multidimensionality prevents healing only one thing or area. Energy Medicine 4D lies on the Law of unity with the goal of completely assembling the individual, without cutting or separating the body – something that naturally possesses a high IQ, immeasurable with this dimension.
Deimplantation is the elimination of the pathogenic genetic cypher and bio-mechanical and energetic implants integrated into the physical and energy body. Deimplantation from the Point of Now erases negative programs from conscious and unconscious memory in past and the future, it completely changes the memory.
In the Method One Field the Mediator integrates a new operating system – Phi System. He allows the amygdala to function fully which leads the body to a level of an energetic and physical Vortex – from the inside out. It's a process of enabling and bringing the individual to the status of One. Then you are connected to the correct Human Biocomputer infrastructure. You are applying pressure on the Matrix field as One.
The Heart is operated on to remove the operation done by the 3D matrix system – so Phi would flow through the body. Phi flows from the Heart and returns to the Heart. With the Multidimensional operation the heart becomes the Heart with its original code, which is the complete Energy flow. Flow demands force. Force is 4D medicine. The one that doesn’t cut, that doesn’t remove parts, pinnacle of creation – human body. Energy Medicine 4D builds a Human being. From the essence – gene to finality. It builds new bodies with Superconscious abilities. Energy Medicine 4D does not kill the person. It gives birth and revives. It creates a new being. It gives Consciousness to the body about the Body. It gives the Feeling to the Human. The feeling of a body removed from the box, from the cell. Energy Medicine 4D returns the stolen Energy into the person’s system.
Currently the only surgeon – Mediator Method One, operates and repairs physical bodies, builds new Energy bodies. He does it without a knife. He conducts this with the Knowledge about Energy. Runic Knowledge. Knowledge that is stolen from the earthlings, Knowledge about Phi, about harmony. In nature, everything is harmonized. The Human’s body has fallen out of the Phi system because of the changed genetic cypher.
In women, the brain, uterus and heart are connected with strong energy lines into a vertical flow. Upright flow, correct impulse. The vagina has an important role – emitting energetic bombs, in that way maintaining a strong energetic charge necessary for healthy functioning. Natural state of a man and a woman is erection 24h. It is the only state in which the human being IS. That is the only natural state. Lust for life. Energy Medicine 4D integrates a new system that transforms the person into the most alive creation of the universe.
In the Method One Procedure, using 4D Technology, the Runic System is integrated into your present system. That is how the crystal body structure is constructed. Genetic engineering is derived from Runic Knowledge constructs the Supertronic human bioorganism.
Integration of the Runic cypher into the structure of everything eliminates the installation of implants in the structure of everything.
Method One is an instant uninstallation of all Matrix programs.