Thule Thahionator is the Multiverse which is OMANUpolis Swastika. The Body Swastika is Polis Swastika. The only resident is Krishna himself. The dimension of Krishna is Vrndavana. This is the dimension in which are all the dimensions – Multiverse. Krishna is One, the very Center and Source. And each body and all shapes are the Source of Life if Krishna resides in them. 

Objects, architecture is founded in the Center. Standard 3D fundations are not acceptable in construction according to the Phi principle because the foundation of Life, the Universe itself, begins and arises from the Center – balance is spherical.   

SPHEREIN – SPHERE IN –> The Sphere is inside the Body. Spherein is the Body.

If the Swastika is inside the body, then the Swastika is the Body. And if the Polis Swastika is inside the body, then Krishna is inside the body and all the Technology which is Krishna. And each body that conducts Krishna is Krishna, because Krishna is inside the body and acts through every body that wants Krishna. And that is the Law of the Universe. Krishna seeks for another Krishna and wants to see Himself in all the bodies that want Krishna. Krishna knows that He is Krishna, but He wants each body, which is inside of Him, to recognize Him through Itself, from Itself – from the Center.