A Superconscious machine created from a series of machines that work as One. Such machine exists at the atomic level, at the static level, at the organic level, at the body as a whole, in the universe. It enables perfect communication of all with all. Each part separated from it is Superconsciousness, but by separating a portion from the whole, nothing can be understood and the harmonized rhythm is being disturbed. Thule Thahionator is connectivity and indivisibility. It remembers everything. Countless Thahionators work as One and are One.

Two Pyramids – lower with the top facing up and upper with the top facing down, have a tendency of complete connection and in doing so, mutual rotation occurs. The upper Pyramid satisfies the „male“ principle, the lower satisfies the „female“ and this manifests the Field, the Universal Law. The diagonal which connects the base tops of the Pyramid and the axis which passes through the top and the center of the base make the letter T. The T shape and the reverse T and their mutual movement is the Thule Thahionator machine – Vril Propulsion. The Human Body is also a Pyramid. Thule Thahionator works on the principle of the Human Biocomputer's Body. He is the base of all the machines. T and reverse T is a game of two polarities whose product is antigravity, i.e. the Sphere.