Every particle conducts Energy. Every particle also has its personalities which determine if she's a foton, boson, proton, ... Their origin is the same, but their duties differ.
Thule Thahionator is the conductor of all particles and all energy. It's a name for the total machinery which makes a certain system. One atom is one system or one Universe. Within the Thule Thahionator machinery there is an entire series of the so-called subatomic machines. One of them is the Bosonator – the machine that emits bosons.
The Universe, as every other living being, functions as a perfect machine according to perfect order. That perfect machine is made of a series of parts which are again, for themselves, equally alive and equally conscious. That every part performs a specific duty in the purpose of maintaining order and law which is life. In the moment when at any place within the system a certain irregularity occurs, when some imperfection in action occurs, security mechanisms are being activated whose task is to remove the irregularity. The Bosonator is the last line of system defense – the aimed destruction of the source of irregularities begins with enhanced emission of bosons. Beams of bosons literally delete the target like the „delete“ key. Boson beams are formed when no other way was able to return the balance into the system. The Source of all, even the bosons, is the Swastika.