MetaSystem is a living system that comes beyond all existing systems and laws. Every known system has a tendency of gradually introducing a series of rules and repetition until something becomes a habit. MetaSystem flows because it continuously rises from the living, pure Field, i.e. Meta position in which is the Mediator. The flowable system does not support, by no means, the conditioned behavior by habit. The Mediator, as the Source, builds flowable bodies (OMANU Human Body Biocomputer - OHBB) that conduct, like electricity, the Original Field, i.e. they live and transmit the MetaSystem. With the construction of such bodies, the requirements of the primary Law, the Law of One have been met, i.e. Metamanagement begins and that's the System of the Universe in the conditions of the Universe and by the Law of the Universe. This means that rotation has been introduced, the rotational way of functioning. This enables that every Body within the System can perform every function, i.e. every Body in every moment can be replaced with another one without the loss of quality and time, i.e. without compromising the System. Such way allows supercontrol and supersafety which means that every Information will be conducted, every solution will be obtained and every action will be completed according to the pulse synchronicity, as it was sent out from the Source and in the exact time limit. This completely excludes the so-called „human factor“. Luckily, the „human factor“ doesn't decide on the functioning of the Universe and that term is a reprecussion of lack of flowability and detachment, i.e. halt and that's not a natural state.
All existing systems on Earth, no matter how modern, aggressive, liberal they are, are trying to make people to function according to certain rules. For that purpose all of the available machines are being used, from the media, politicians, school system, religious institutions to military. MetaSystem and Metamanagement is embedded with the Swastika Mechanism into the Body – all Knowledge, Ability and Technology is transfered at the same time – System breaks through the Body outward. There is no deprecation and breakdown in the person – the System is completely in harmony with the individual and absolutely in harmony with the group. With the installation of the Swastika and construction of OHBB's, the perfect System of the Universe has been embedded into every individual. If we take a look at the Universe, no matter how many bodies we see, they are all in perfect synchronicity, each and every one immaculately performs its duty and it never takes a break. That's harmony and health and eternity. The constructed human becomes the perfect space body which takes over a certain role in a certain moment and is trained to take over another role with equal quality in the next moment. This only proves that the human, as an individual, is allowed to choose, but he's not the absolute. He is under the direct leadership of the Absolute – then the choice is always correct and with the highest purpose. Exactly this is the basis of Metamanagement. When the same system rises from the every individual, regardless of the role, then the society, i.e. organization of society is in harnmony with the Original system. There is no war or repression, but the infinity of development and perfecting. Only such a living and dynamic system can create and manage with the ideal society and standard.
MetaSystem begins from the One, through the construction of the other One and so on to the team, organization, country, ... It is applicable in absolutely all segments – in sports, in military systems, state institutions, companies, school systems and, of course, on every individual. Regardless of the segment of application, it never disrupts the natural system. This system is given to spread apart the limitations and irregularities.
MetaSystem and Metamanagement is the perfect management of the body and energy resources, As such, it is absolutely applicable in the purpose of maintaining absolute health.
The structure of action
Circular structure of the organization. The Mediator is the Center.
The Creative - Executive Team
Arrangement of directions of the Swastika; action – business strategy and leadership, arrangement of OMANU Human Body Biocomputers (OHBB) at strategic locations – they work as bioelectronic (radionic) machines. Because of that, everyone in the Method One Training Procedure receives the exact place of arrival, stay and action, i.e. goal.