The Law of One is a law that Spherein – Organization of the New Era conducts with its action. The Law of One melts the cell of the Matrix. The Law of One is an installation of the Zero Point Field. Spherein speaks, demands, installs the Law of One. The Law of One is self-exclusion. Only one Law, only one manifestation. Spherein. The Law of One is the Law of the Field in the Space. The Law of One is an intergalactic security of the One. The Law of One is Energy of the pure symbol. The Law of One is a circle, circularity. The Law of One affects all. He recognizes you. The changer of fate. Meet the Law of One, carry the Law of One, work the Law of One. Be in the Field. Create Space and the Law. The Law of One is a detail of Intelligence. The Law of One is the industry of Spherein propulsion. The protocol of flow. Conversion of the Law of One.

Spherein guideposts lead into one point – the Zero Point. Living the knowledge that once existed here – that is the purpose of Spherein. That is the construction of the New Atlantis. The  human doesen't have the basic knowledge about the Black. Atlantis was Black. And in that very blackness is the answer why you seek Atlantis. 

Atlantis is the Black Knowledge. Atlantis is the embodied headquarters of the Black Light. Atlantis is the Black Body.