Karma is the cause of every conflict and all wars. The cause of karma's existence is too complex. In short, closed, too weak and forgotten Knowledge of the Heart is the reason for creation of karma through lives. Spartans, closest to us in history, have gotten close to the Knowledge of the Heart and thanks to that they have developed the most organized and helathiest society in known history as well as warriors of extreme capabilities. 

Special training in the Runic Gym we have named the Spartan Training for the memory of Spartans and the Knowledge which they have disposed of although the adequate term would be – Method One Matrix Training in the Zero Point Field. Each individual or group who enter the procedure of Spartan Training first confront with the Zero Point Field then their personal karma, mutual karma and, on higher levels, global karma. The Zero Point Field, whose only source on Earth is the Mediator's Body, always does the same thing – opens the Heart. The more open the Heart, Consciousness, perception and capabilities are greater. This basic discipline allows the possibility of preparing the physical body which, besides the training of the Heart, has no other repetition. The Training has no concept, it is not repeated and it can not be known in advance how it is going to look. This is the key of developing Superconscious abilities and as such reaction. Spartan warriors were not aggressive slaughterers. Their primary mission was training of the Heart with which they have maintained the Field of Consciousness of their people. They were not conquerors. They have fought to protect their people, their territory and their Field. For that reason the Field has supported them.