Spartans were using the Runic Combat System. Their warfare was for the most part, based on bioelectronic action. They were extraordinary strategists. The Runic System enables precisely this. Violence and carnage avoided at all costs. Their military training was rigorous only for someone observing from the sidelines. The System was installed into them, that is why they acted as One. At the same time, loyalty and apprehension was installed, it was in their genes. That is why Sparta was a closed system. 

The Body and Abilities are not constructed through exercises, but through the system within. Exercises are the application of the embodied. Training is not based on skill, but time necessary for the System to be integrated into the body. 

RBS – combat system that harmonizes the mind, body and feelings. Heart and mental strength. The superiority of Consciousness is felt. Illusory arrogance and subjugation of the opponent only has one goal – elevating the level of awareness of both sides. 

A soldier is being made in the Heart, not at a military poligon.