Bodies inside the space conduct static movement which is equal to the body in rotation but rotation of the physical and Energy body potentiated through all dimensions of action of that body, implosion and explosion of the Body inside the Body is the Technology of the Runic Gym which is Antigravity technology which is the Antigravity machine (Antigravity weights). Technology of the Runic Gym is the Technology of the Body inside the Body, i.e. Technology of the Black Body inside the Space of the Black Body – Runic Space – Runic Technology – Runic Gym. Technology, The Law and Principle of objects in sense of architecture and the body and technology initiates the process of work which is rotation and all of its forms in physical and energy sense through the body and technology, i.e. through every form – object.

Technology speaks and passes through the change of the aggregate states which are manifested as implosion and explosion of the body and technology in the Black Space of the Black Body. All the same because it’s One. 


A stable material and mutable/flowable material. A stable (immutable) material in this case is a rod, i.e. handle, while the rest of the weight, we’re talking about the material, through the change of the aggregate states, transforms into a Sphere and through rotation, which is implosion and explosion, performs the change of poles (from one side of the weight to the other) which means that it transforms and centers the body and emits the impulse towards out into the planet as a body.