Spherein conducts Security Management Consulting / Special Information Intelligence Procedure and Consultation for High-rank Clients  

Under the Law of One Jurisdiction

■ Spherein conducts the Special Information Intelligence Technology Procedure / Security Management Consulting for individuals, organizations and governments in order to inform, educate, train individuals, organizations, governments and empower them to apply and incorporate the Technological Field of the Method One Heart – OMANU Zero Point Field Technology (Antigravity Technology) / OMANU Metamilitary Information Intelligence Security System (OMMIISS) into their operations.


• Information Intelligence Procedure & Scanning – solving personal and global problems through a detailed Precognitics procedure and scanning of persons and situations – strategy for creating personal, business and global solutions & goals

• Precognitics Expertise – processing of the actual condition NOW and understanding the necessity in which it leads to (predicted development of a situation in the future) / Precognitics Analysis – global strategy analysis / Viewing – strategic observing in the Zero Point Field / high resolution scanning – action purpose estimate

• Conditioning – establishing a new situation / leading and conducting a new installation / complete Outgoing without restructuring – construction of a completely new structure

• Introduction and Conductment into natural functioning system of the Universe – Multidimensional Method One & OMANU – Zero Point Field Science and Technology / OMANU Metamilitary Information Intelligence Security System – OMMISS / Metamilitarism

■ In the higher stage of the Special Information Intelligence Procedure, it is possible to agree on the implementation of the following information and demonstration Procedures and Training

• Special development, parapsychological and parapsychotronic training procedure  of high political individuals

• Vril Power Demonstration – Metamilitarism – The New Dimension – Phase Shift into the Zero Point Field  

Metamilitarism – the new concept of resolving the global crisis of waging wars, by installing a new healthy Method One Field (action from the Zero Point's position) – exit from the concept of warfare – a way into Total Consciousness through Zero Point Field Information Intelligence – application (praxis) of peace – New Politics.

Those who govern states and a specific number of people should know that those exact people are the main weapon in implementation of a certain program and, in this case, we are talking about a superior program – independence from any imposed force. Development of human potentials must go through Information and publication of the Zero Point and the technology of its action which the conscious ones will know and recognize, and then it will lead to the domino effect and opening of the Heart. Survival depends on the mutual impulse and reaction. The technology must be as such.

Every official person, institution, country which is ready and willing to execute the highest duty of body protection (institution, people, country, …) and the planet and is ready to recognize and accept the new level of technological possibility and achievement and, in doing so, can accept that this is the only and absolute way of protection and development in general, is hereby invited and free to contact for the purpose of execution of the Information Intelligence Procedure.

Metamilitarism is much more meaningful than development, of everything in general. Metamilitarism is development. There is no development without breakthrough if one wants this level and this dimension.

• Monitoring – monitoring an individual/organization that accepted the procedure / Mentoring / Metasystem Metamanagement and Control System Supervision Services

■ Spherein Scanning – Direct Knowledge – Direct Action – Direct Transformation

■ Energy impact of the Zero Point Field. Capacitation for direct problem solving.

The Phi signal or Energy Impact of the Zero Point Field is the strongest Information. It works instantly.

Information + Energy = Information Intelligence • Information Intelligence = Global Security

■ The procedure is conducted by an authorized Spherein consultant and Precognitics expert.

Demonstrative understanding of everything in a concrete situation is possible in the presence and under the supervision and conditions of Domagoj NeusidlMediator Method One.

■ Conditions and all other details, price, location: on request

Anyone who feels invited is free to respond to the Space Propaganda Body in the Information Intelligence and Consulting sector Spherein. Global Office and request an appointment for consultation and application to the Procedure.


Spherein Global Office / Metatraining Center  Zagreb, Ljubljana

Center for development, building predispositions and embodiment of Human Sonar System and Human Biocomputer (Human Sonar System & OMANU Human Body Biocomputer Technology)

Education and training of individuals, organizations, governments for exiting personal and global crisis


E: office@spherein.com

M: +385991929922, +38670303824 (WhatsApp, Viber)