Propaganda – Metamilitarism   

The WPI basis is Metamilitarism. WPI is the propaganda sector of the Thule Thahionator Institution. Propaganda is installation of the Field. All is a cypher and all is written as a cypher and thus it is subjected to programming and reprogramming. The strength of the cypher is the Futhork binary code. WPI executes liberation of the territory through the installation of the Futhork binary code. The purpose of WPI is the establishment and metamilitary security of the Thule Thahionator Institution and all sectors of the institution. Installation of the cypher through action of the Futhok binary code in purpose of liberation of the territory for permanent establishment of the Zero Point Field. Futhork binary code acts from the depth itself, from the Source, instantly annulling the Matrix cypher – metamilitary liberation of territory.  Liberation of territory is liberation of the body and vice versa. This is the WPI propaganda – installation of a specific cypher for the establishment of a specific goal. Installation always starts out of/from Zero, out of/from the Source. The Futhork binary code programs and reprograms the population and the location through Multidimensionality – creates a new dimension. With this installation procedure, all which is the embodiment of the Matrix, disappears, i.e., it’s deleted from the database – the cypher (information) of existence is deleted. Activation of the Futhork binary code demands instant action, instant System establishment – Blitzkrieg.