Basic information about Svastika has been witheld. Deliberately or for oblivion itself. Our job is to expose the truth as it is. 


1. There is only one Swastika and it has always and so will remain forever. 

2. The rotation of the Swastika go simultaneously in all directions, i.e. in one complete movement – spherical. 

3. In a linear, limited 3D concept, Swastika is incomprehensible and impossible to describe in such a world –     She is absolute; therein lies the reason why on Earth almost no one sees it, does not feel it, does not believe     that it exists at all, therefore does not accept it; the moment someone comes to know them, that someone at     that same moment ceases to be 3D. 


5. Everything exists because of its spread; all creation has always and forever been due to the Will of the Swastika.

6. The greatest ignorance is not knowing that you are created by a Swastika.

7. Blasphemy is adoration and faith in some unknown god who resides out there and appeared there once, and denying and rejecting the true God that revolves in you now; therefore all religions of the world should be banned because they maintain a lie, ignorance and encourage blasphemy; the only religion is the ROTATION OF SWASTIKA IN THE HEART (BODY). 

8. Everything you mean, do, build is only right if you are aware of the Swastika and enforce Her Will. If it's not there, you're causing disease, death and self-destruction because you deny the very source of life.