Phase shift is a penetration of one space into another space (from the level of one physical body to global, to the level of the Cosmos). The meeting of two bodies is a phase shift – the body which is of a stronger frequency moves the other body. The Mediator moves the other body into a higher frequency level – Zero Point Field in which the body does not lose integrity, but enters a completely different physical reality. That body is of a stronger frequency than the others and it does not allow an uncontrolled phase shift (implantation, abduction). This way of operating in Method One enables the phase shift into the highest physical reality – 5D – Zero Point Field. Awareness of higher dimensions is awakened in the Method One Procedure, but with the transformation of the body and mind in parallel, disintegration is prevented i.e. shift into a non-physical reality. That is how the transformed body controls space and a phase shift is a shift of Consciousness followed by the physical body, it is not a random event.   

Phase shift happens toward higher and lower frequencies, only this is not the practice in Method One. Method One skips all frequencies and leads directly into the Zero Point.