Life is between the poles

Meeting place of two polarities is life and the flow of life. Existence of polarities and their mutual tension maintains the Sphere, the Universe, the State, … The zone of their connection creates conditions for life. Biophysics, bios (life), physics (law within a certain space). Physics applies to all, to the body itself, to the interrelation with other bodies as well as the entire Sphere in which they all together are located. The principle of a healthy system, body, Universe, … is functioning according to the highest Law (Force) without exception whether it applies to the planet, human body, what is known as microorganisms or objects. Absolutely EVERYTHING (ALL) should conduct the Law – this is the Law of One. The pulse of the Sphere is the common pulse that dictates life. All sciences and heavy daily discussions on healthy or unhealthy lifestyle, counting necessary calories, vitamins etc. for balanced functioning of the body, pharmaceutical products and in general all available knowledge combined cannot even nearly include in their theories and praxis the Law of the Sphere in which they live in. The reason is rejection of the Law and seeking alternative paths in order to bypass the natural Law. Explanation of this madness is very complex and it dates back millions of linear years in the past. All this reasons and all past can be penetrated because that is precisely what does not allow life as it is. Penetration into the Sphere accomplishes the so much desired balance of the body and mind. BI(OS) – Binary Axis – Axis of the Sphere – Irminsul – Energetic vertical of the Body – Complete Flowability – Open Heart – Runes = Body that goes in the direction of timeless perfecting and not through decay. 

For all those who have felt life for a moment but remain outside the Sphere, they look life as looking through glass – they only think they live. With this begins the education on Metamultihumanism. Life is not one-sided.