The Original German (Germanic) Technology
The German way is war which is incessant and does not cease. War is MYR for peace. The Runic MYR is a state of constant breakthrough into Consciousness because the war is for Consciousness. The breakthrough of the dimension into the dimension of Consciousness as the sole way and reason of survival. The War Body – the Runic Body – breaks through with its existence in Consciousness and Consciousness works for Consciousness and for that body. The dimension of action of the Body as a Space is Space because that’s Consciousness. Every other form of warfare and all other forms only lead into incessant and constant destruction of life and thus, the destruction of space. Consciousness is indestructible. The German Body spreads the German Will, and Will is universal and of the Universe. Will is the primaeval impulse for life, but life established in Consciousness. Every new form of life or every other form of life is life itself. You live Life, you build Life, you conduct Life. The universal boundary of the Body is the Universe itself which is endless and always existing. The boundary, but not limitation, yet the starting point of life, is Consciousness, and Consciousness doesn’t know boundaries. The rotation rotates, the Universe doesn’t cease. The highest level is the Body.