OMMIISS / Propaganda
The Supreme Technology of the Universe (Atlantis) is primarily Technology of Consciousness and Technological Field of the Heart and the Force of Consciousness works through every technological depiction of all shapes. The compression of all is always present and Consciousness recognizes and cognizes hersef – discovers herself. The key of Knowledge and cognition, and therefore of everything else, is Consciousness. This is always and again being repeated and conducted to the physical level of this dimension primarily as a warning, announcement, but not of what will be but of what already is. What will be, what follows is clear, but what is needs to be broken trhough. It needs to be broken through that and into that. That’s Consciousness and that’s why the Technology.
Is it worth mentioning the worst condition ever recorded in Consciousness? No! Isn’t the answer given at the very beginning of the text. The answer to all. What (who) and why.
Crucial, not to be forgotten, because exactly this had been happening and is happening through eons, this is Consciousness and Her form and Her reaction on today and on you. !
This is OMMIISS!