Werkraft MetaMilitary Weapon Technology
Jurisdiction of the Law of One.
New development prohibited in this world is now developing the highest frequency of sound formed and transfomed as Werkraft MetaMilitary Weapon.
No man has ever witnessed this solution and possibility of empowerment which is the core of the Propulsion System. To empower means to proclaim and establish this Technology and this form of jurisdiction into the existing 3D dimension.
WMMW will light the world and devour this everlasting oblivion.
Your time is up!
We are here. We are Now.
This is Werkraft MetaMilitary Weapon Technology. This is OMMIISS.
No one will understand regardless of the knowledge gained in this dimension (3D). This is beyond, far beyond the understandings of this world.
Technology is here to claim and proclaim the New.
This means war.