Human Biocomputer Quantum Superpositioning 

QBB means that the Heart – head flow is established. In the moment of connecting into the Zero Point Field, the brain functions on a quantum level and it conducts Information from the Field without errors. Connection into the Field is performed by the Mediator Method One with a Procedure in a special space (Biocomputer space/Black Room/Outer space conditions – antigravity conditions). A certified QBB obtains empowerments with which the ability of connecting is activated in any other necessary place and necessary time, which means that in such cases the QBB will have access to the Information Base of the Zero Point Field and be able to use specific necessary knowledge and abilities (instant activation of knowledge and abilities which were not learned or trained before/Human Biocomputer Quantum Superpositioning) such as Information Base from all areas of expertise – sport (extreme physical and mental condition and abilities, Metafitness), self-defense martial arts abilities, art, music, science, foreign languages, communication abilities, work in some specialized computer programs, etc. 

QBB is a status/operational ability/Modus Operandi of the Human Biocomputer between HSSHB/HSSHBRBS and OHBB Phases of the Method One Training Procedure.