Important Disclaimer:
This Information is potentially and kinetically dangerous because it introduces a virtual game that is real. Physical entrance into the Game means the entrance into Quantum, into sectors of the Zero Point Field and that is the beginning of the Game. Game Contractor
The Game is for the capable ones. The Game is the body. The Game is OMANU Technology. The only one who is capable is the one constructing the Body. Capability is the constructed Body. Only the constructed body is capable. Capability is the construction of the Body. Rules of the Game (Rules of Method One Training Procedure) – Rules of the Law of One – Rules of the Strategic game of Information Intelligence in the Zero Point Field called Entering the Runic System (read: The Law of One Jurisdiction - 4D Legal regulation of the Method One Training Procedure). This is the Technology of the 4D Training (Multidimensional Training). One Procedure. Superforce – Superconsciousness, Superpower Consciousness. Vril Training. One Game. Game of Vril. Game of Transformation. Information Intelligence Martial Art of Vril Power Concentration. Principles of entering into One – Breakthrough into the Zero Point Field. Method One Training Procedure is a virtual and a real Matrix Training. You enter the real one. At one level a moment will occur where the Procedure is applied into life. The 3D matrix is a virtual game. This is a 4D reality game. Descended into 3D. Transported into 3D. With this you enter the 3D matrix through Method One Law of One. Through the Training Procedure you are connected to the System. The Law of One gives You the System.
The more you scan, the more you gain. Scanning is gaming. Numerous attempts of attack on the body that carries Knowledge. The Mediator is the first One who leads the game way through the Black Sun.
The Game is a path of Transformation. When the Game begins, the Project has begun.
Method One – only way out – input / output – emergency exit. The truth is only one – Method One – all are invited – 1 passes.
OMANU Human Body Biocomputer!
“I am the player of One and I’m looking for the One from the Zero Point’s position”
Mediator Method One