This material is not intended to cause heavy, hopeless and bitter conditions. It's also not intended to cause fear. Everyone is getting really fed up with all of these conditions and there is no end to them, it's enough to look at the news on information portals or some documentary on exploitation of planet Earth, people, animals and the depiction of ecosystem as a result of all of this. 

This material is inteded solely to cause that primordial reaction which the human has as an intelligent being and, with that, a clear sign is given that there is a way out of this injustice and unsustainability. This technology is nonviolent although we will intentionally use the word war because this is the information war against all the placed lies and lies are placed into each and every segment of existence and this is the war against all scientific solutions to the problem. Solutions which are not solutions. Method One (Method One Zero Point Field Matrix Training Technology) is the only way out.