Spherein is looking for a sponsor for the construction and equipping of the presentation and research space. The future sponsor can with ease be presented with the truthfulness of the claim that in the Space Gym are outer space conditions (antigravity conditions), that this is Space technology and the Zero Point Field. After a short presentation and demonstration of abilities, knowledge and technology of the body in the Zero Point Field which unquestionably proves the existence of the Force which drives the entire project and understanding the need for a special space, the presentation of possibilities of such a procedure can begin. The possibility of education and special training for individuals and team/teams of people for new managers and public relation officer/PR's, projectants, development of new technology (exercise machines, machines, vehicles, ...) is open, and opening the path for achieving total energy independence which includes projecting and construction of free energy technology (technology of the Zero Point Field). Such training leads into the protection of the system in which your system can be included as well. There is a global system which destroys every strong individual and, with that, state interests and systems. During the training, you obtain a deeper, even a total insight into the real state of affairs and who and why stands behind such maneouvers. With your cooperation you can be educated and qualified for the protection of your projects and your business activity, now and in the future. One instructed person is enough to overthrow you and that the entire existing system turns against you.