Project OMANU Space Center – Space for the construction of OMANU (Space) Body. It is estimated as the Space of extreme rotation and extreme conditions of the Zero Point Field. The physical place for entering into NOW – the original Humanoid Space Technology. 

The Mediator is not an ordinary human – He is the Zero Point itself on Earth. In conventional conditions he doesn’t demonstrate his force because he doesn’t want to. The force and possibilities which he had brought to earthlings he will transfer only and solely inside the appropriate space. This civilization’s most important step is to ensure him the OMANU Center. Construction of Space Technology as well as OMANU pilots begins with the construction of the special space for the Mediator. Exactly this first step would enable the actual presence of the Mediator as well as the understandings why is this most important for Earth and life on it. With his undisturbed presence the Mediator purifies, transforms, heals and brings back the planet and the human into the original form because He is the Force of the Universe. 

The only technology that leads the human into space is OMANU Technology. Without pretentious exaggeration – with the existing technology the human has no exit OUT. He can do a lot of things, but within firmly bounded borders. The time has come for the New Age and it begins with us. 

Expenses for the construction of the OMANU Object are about 6 000 000 €. Considering how much money and energy is invested into the destructive, dangerous and in the end nonfunctional so-called space technology, this amount looks like a drop in the sea. Without any trouble, the entire project could be funded by just one individual. OMANU Knowledge is intended for the One (m/f) who is willing to invest his/her finances into such project for the purpose of his/her and global transformation. The decision will be brought by Him/Her who has no fear from entering into the Zero Point Field and who doesn’t put prejudice over Science.