Runic codes.
Runic coding – programming.
Futhork binary codes.
Runic motherboard.
FUTHORK BINARY CODES – quantum coding – code inside a code inside a code inside a code …
RUNIC MOTHERBOARD – Thoth’s Tablets.
Futhork is the base for coding and protection of data, Information obtained from the Zero Point Field. Persons in high phases of Spherein Training have awareness of the importance of Information protection obtained from the Zero Point Field regardless of content, i.e., definition of the Information itself. All technology and all projects are subjected to the direct Futhork binary code protection. The number of constructed bodies and each constructed body has its code – cypher – mission. Each name, each letter is obtained through the binary code of the Zero Point Field. Futhork binary codes is coding the very purpose of existence of the body, situation. All is written in the form of a binary code. Strength of the cypher, strength of the code determines and defines the strength of the very existence. Quantum coding is coding the dimension of existence.
The Biocomputer uses, i.e. it requires only 1 Futhork binary code – the Original one – within which is the compression of all Futhork binary codes and all possible combinations of all Futhork binary codes.
Today’s technology uses stratification in protection due to the slow exchange and processing of data (information). 3D technology does not allow instantaneity because it is too - rigidity decelerates.
In terms of data protection, penetration of one cypher, one layer, the system has enough time to correct the mistake and set a new cypher before the breakthrough of the final barrier – final cypher.
The Biocomputer is made of liquid crystals, better said out of liquid crystal – 1 crystal. When something is liquid it means that it receives the information the easiest and it transfers it the fastest. Such technology, flow technology enables impenetrability.
Only the Biocomputer can support and conduct the Futhork binary code. 1 system – 1 number – infinity of combinations. The Biocomputer compresses the information to the lowest possible level – the level of the atom. The atom is small enough and large enough that within it lies the entire Universe.