Biopulsar is a technological achievement of the Biocrystal. Technology to access other bodies. Nowadays technological communication is acceptable and necessary. Biopulsar reads the condition of the physical and energy body and karmic load (implantation). It gives an objective evaluation – analysis, diagnostic through a series of parameters that the implanted body can understand. Biopulsar is a bioelectronic machine which has a live interaction with the body (Bioelectronics of the body). Pure Crystal, pure Crystal Body has a constant of uninterrupted exchange of Information. The implanted body indicates interruptions in communication with exception of pulse or an exaggerated pulse which can be associated with the operation of technology that is not of biological origin. Also, through this is enabled to monitor other psychophysical conditions, as well as to understand the cause of the same.

Biopulsar is a more reliable method to determine the truth than all the other detectors created so far, eg. lie detector and other diagnostic devices. The primary function is correction of the biofield. After the initial reading of condition, an adequate stimulation to the body is started.

Biopulsar is the pre–technology of the Quantum computer. The Quantum computer is a self–developing technology which aspires to uninterrupted perfection of the technology itself and the one producing the technology. The Quantum computer has a built–in Biopulsar.