Physical force is rarely used in Precognitics. The Mediator, who is the Field and the Force of Zero Point, acts upon the individual and the group. This force is unthinkably greater than any known force. Yes, Training of Precognitics Abilities includes subjugation to the Force of the Zero Point. Methods are not comparable with the brutality of american and russian bases but they are much more efficient. Psychotronic operatives act within the 3D matrix. A parapsychologist is outside of the Matrix and consequently operates on a much higher vibratory levels. These dimensions are much higher than 3D and the training itself is performed in those dimensions. This enables the participants to withstand extreme exertions. The Mediator does not manipulate and does not work with the Matrix. He acts through it and breaks it with Force and Knowledge. Parapsychology is the most efficient way of defense from psychotronic action and putting oneself under self-control. In the Matrix, everyone is under psychotronic influence and nobody has a free mind.
Russians are known for the brutality in training their psychotronic operatives. Also the brutality of psychotronic action is known. The fact is that only force can liberate and develop non-standard abilities. Russia and the US are on the forefront in programs that deal in developing psychotronic abilities. Some Arabian countries are also well developed in the matter at hand, but this is not spoken about. Maybe that is the reason behind the constant unrest between them and the USA. Questions that follow are intended more for research than as an assertion: Is USA under the influence of Russian psychotronic operatives? Is there a general control center for the entire planet.