Bodies are being hunted and genetic information are stored. Talented and genius people are abducted for their genome. Through the hunt a monstrous idea grows, the ideology of a Big Brother is being fed. The Big Brother is the Matrix. The Big Brother is a hierarchy of bodies established on the principle of ingenuity inside the genome. The gene is mixed and a perfect weapon is grown – the brain in certain individuals. Individuals are aware only to a degree to what is asked of them. Those individuals are devices – their bodies are a technological weapon of the 21st century. A mechanism that works through them does not allow total self-awareness, or awareness of that mechanism. The mechanism is dangerous because it is constructed out of several different genetic information. This gives it an enormous amount of energy – power and ability. With more energy accumulated inside the body, it is more capable in keeping certain information as hypnosis over a large number of people under them, in front of them, even above them. Psychotronics is the installation of the machinery, which is perfectly programmed and set loose into productive action through bodies that are chosen as most suitable for conducting the program and structure.
Every system has its carrier. The one who protects and holds the informational structure – carrier of the field. The carrier of the Method One Field is the Mediator. His body is the structure, which is a pure genetic information, without a conducted genetic engineering. This is important to understand – all bodies inside the Matrix are captured in one way. It is a catch and is used for impregnating the system and further experimentation in the area of genetics. Knowledge about genetics is unknown, and only a part is left for rare scholars. The gene contains the understanding of information. Only when the gene begins to change, you begin to understand the laws of fields, laws of information and laws of the body. You understand that they are one and that they are interchangeable with the speed of light. Through Method One they change into a corporeal – informational Zero Point which is the field of constant disappearance. The body that constantly appears is here and it is impossible to catch it. The Zero Point is a shapeshifter that is keeping the body inside itself, inside the Field where the human body should be.