Spherein school teaches about this science. This is Germanic psychology that cures psychiatry of the 3D Matrix. Blitzkrieg way is used because an entire army emanates out of the gene obstructing health. In the range of officially explaining character, personality, normal and deviant behavior – there are no healthy ones. There are latent ones and ones under control so they are excluded from psychiatric observation. 

The Sonar leads you into psychoanalysis and getting to know your own character. Each insight corrects deficiencies. This means that you consciously participate in Deimplantation. Human Sonar System enables you to see holograms that create your life. For example it is showing you an entire world and way of behavior which is called “my mom”. Classic psychology would treat it with different advices on how to act differently, but the hologram remains present. The therapist remains powerless faced with genetics.  The fundament of healing psychotherapy is acquaintance with genetics and the possibility of changing it. Mediator teaches that the fundament of health is Vril Energy. The Sonar leads the person through navigating and studying the Crystal to awakening the Vril system so in the end even the brain would heal. The chronology of individual and society’s psychotherapy ends with that.