Deimplantation is the foundation of human psychology and it penetrates into states which are impossible to comprehend with any known technique. Today’s psychology it actually is not, that are just illusionary procedures which lead to an even deeper implantation. Every impossibility of action is caused by the instalats which are deeply implanted in the human states and they are actually creating them. All of these elements have only one role and that is to keep you in unconsciousness. Then, manipulation is simple. Modern psychology does not acknowledge this procedure because it has no insight in their reality and that is why they seem impossible. Any cognition a priori will be discarded. Penetration will be achieved from another aspect because psychology is one of the foundations of Matrix. Any demolition of it will cause resistance. New cognitions in the field of physics will have a strong influence on medicine. That is how the resistance of mind will be demolished and thus the postulates of the so called new psychology. Any research that will be executed in the field of human implantation will be suppressed because the truth is a powerful weapon and as such it must not exist. Delusion must me eternal. With its activity, new cognitions will be made which will strongly affect on the academic community and those individuals that have retained a glimmer of consciousness about the incorrectness of the entire science.