It is the descended and passed through 4th dimension into a living 3D body. In the end you function, correct, and operate out of Delta and your complete action encourages growth, rift, change and synchronicity in every moment. The Mediator trains you, crashes and encourages you to Exit Out. Absolutely every Mediator’s moment is dedicated to the step towards Awakening. Your own and the beings with whom you share the same karma. Never forget that you are One with everybody, you only do not remember. The Mediator shapes and exhibits situations inside the Field. Through the Body, he constructs a new dimension in which body functions are limitless. Delta is a natural notion that signifies a state of absolute connection with the Mediator. Delta is a jump into the dimension of the Sonar. The Mediator is reorganizing your Body. The Body projects a new life order. You enter pure health, your life flows through the Delta. Steps to complete delta body function are painful and long-lasting only because you enter the immortal zone. Your body must pass through living death – 100% genetic purification because death is a reason for life.