Original Physics = the strongest law and it means as above so below. 

Without knowledge of the Original Energy, the Creator, there is no original law. Therefore, the right to manage anything is lost. The one who doesn't produce force is a resource thief. So the Earth today is ruled by thieves, and that's a fact. 

The first, a true leader, awakened in the Zero Point Field, frees his people of slavery to criminals. It is his right and duty assigned from the highest instance of the Creator of the Universe himself. This is how real kings (emperors) on Earth are placed. 

Without the Zero Point Field, no one can leave Earth (as it isn't, so we don't lie any further), they can't even land on Earth a basic resource – the Field. This is important information for survival, not just for prestige. 

A lie, however exquisitely created and subtitled, can't last forever. The man, as we know it, never left the earth's atmosphere. He didn't walk on the Moon. The strongest atomic weapon failed to penetrate the diamond shield above Earth. No equipment has made it through the 40000 km of radiation belt (electromagnetism, plasma diamond belt) around the Earth. The funds raised on that lie were used to make the devastating weapons used on Earth, not in the Universe, nor for the Universe. This was used to determine the position of power of the greatest energy thieves in the history of the Universe who keep everyone on Earth in a cage. 

We're looking for the first one who'll have the courage to stand up and choose to fight for the right side. It opens the way to space.